Talent 100 Mentor
Harry Zhang
Learning Centre
School Attended
North Sydney Boys
Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics)(Honours)/Science (Computer Science) at UNSW

My top 5 study tips

1Plan ahead - especially when it is during an exam block or even in an actual exam! It helps you get a sense of where you are now, and where you want to reach.

2Stick to your plan! Making a plan is just the beginning - there's no point in making a plan if you don't stick to it.

3Try your best not to procrastinate, as tempting as it is to just not study and relax. Your future self will thank you when you have finished an assignment without needing to pull an all-nighter.

4Don't overwork yourself. Studying constantly until very late times like 1-2am will take a toll on your physical health, and you probably won't be able to memorise content well.

5Get a good night's sleep before an exam. If you are really desperate to cram, in my opinion it is better to do it in the morning when your mind is fresh.

Great futures begin with great HSC results

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