Talent 100 Mentor
Lasandu Mayuka Edirisinghe
Learning Centre
Chatswood, Epping
School Attended
Girraween High School
Bachelor of Science (Medical Science), Dalyell Scholar, at The University of Sydney

My top 5 study tips

1Use flashcards to test your knowledge — this is known as active recall. It forces you to actively engage with the material and imrpvoes retention.

2You can express information in more ways than just words — diagrams, mind maps, tables, graphs, etc are great ways to visualise material, making it easier to remember and organise.

3Teaching (or even pretending to) is an effective way to solidify your knowledge since it requires you to understand and communicate material effectively.

4A great way to maintain motivation and prevent burnout is using the pomodoro technique: study for 25 minutes, followed by a 5 minute break; after four 'pomodoros', have a longer break. Then rinse and repeat.

5Ultimately, the best way to study for the HSC is to jump right into it — doing questions from past trial and HSC papers will make you familiar with the types of questions you might see, and the information and depth you are expected to know.

Great futures begin with great HSC results

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