Meet Our Talent 100 Students: Ethan (Year 11)

We’ve decided to flip the switch so you can find out more about the students who actually study at Talent 100

We can share their unique personalities and passions both in and outside of our classrooms.

This week we’ve been chatting to Ethan who is currently in Year 11, and will be sitting the HSC next year in 2020.

Name: Ethan Tran

When did you join Talent 100? Term 4, 2018

Which year are you currently in? Year 11

Which Talent 100 centre do you study in? Chatswood

Subjects taken at Talent 100: Mathematics Extension 1, Advanced English

What’s the best part about studying at Talent 100?

The weekly review quizzes. The quizzes are really helpful for consolidating knowledge and in learning how to apply concepts to different types of questions. They also help identify gaps in learning and where you need to focus your study.

Have you tried our holiday programs? If so, how did they benefit your learning? No, not yet

Can you share your number one study tip?

Follow the syllabus dot points! Use the dot points to guide your study and ensure you’ve covered everything. They also give you an idea of the questions you might encounter in assessments (and can be used to make up practice questions).

The syllabus also has ‘focus questions.’ Make sure you can answer these.

What’s a piece of advice you would give to other students? 

Year 10 students: start revising early. Make sure you have a solid understanding of the main concepts of your subjects. This will make your transition into Year 11 much smoother as you can continue to build upon what you know, and don’t need to learn the concepts from scratch.

Allow plenty of time to prepare for exams and assessments. Do lots and lots of practice questions (repetition is key!). Source past papers from other students at Talent, your teachers, your mentors, and read the Talent 100 online resources.

Speak up! If you’re having trouble, talk to your mentor. They will be able to advise you and help you improve your knowledge and understanding.

RELATED: Meet Your Talent 100 2019/2020 Burwood Tutors

What are your career aspirations after completing high school?

I want to study Economics/Econometrics at UNSW, and then become an academic and lecturer in the United States. I want to teach so I never stop learning and can pass on my knowledge to others and help them in their studies. I want to show others how they can use their knowledge and skills, and encourage a love of learning.

What’s your hidden talent/something we might not know about you?

No hidden talent, but I love travelling (especially on the new Sydney Metro) and learning about other cultures. I want to travel and live in the United States when I graduate.

If you could describe Talent 100 in one word, what would it be? Helpful!

Need help reaching your educational goals in 2019? Try out Talent 100 today with a 2 Week Free Trial and let your marks do the talking. Click here to find out more, or speak directly to our Student Services team by calling 1300 999 100 today.

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