Talent 100 Mentor
Samuel Tyler
Learning Centre
School Attended
Caringbah High School
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) at UNSW
  • Dux of Caringbah 2023
  • Ranked 1st in Caringbah for Physics, Chemistry, Maths Adv (2022), Maths Ext.1 (2022) & Maths Ext.2
  • Ranked 3rd in English Adv.
  • Accelerated both Maths Adv and Ext.1 in Y11, 2022
  • 9th in state for Maths Adv (100/100)
  • 48/50 in Maths Ext.1
  • 2nd in state for Software Design and Development

My top 5 study tips

1Time management is so important. If I don't plan to study, it's very unlikely I will study!

2The HSC is a marathon, not a sprint. Gradual improvement over months is what gets the highest marks, not cramming in the week before.

3Review regularly (spaced repetition). Scientifically, reviewing content covered in class on a regular basis with time increasing between each review cements it in your brain. Eg, 24 hrs after, 3 days after, 7 days after, ...

4Revise purposefully (active recall). Don't just read over notes! Be applying your knowledge, whether that's explain a concept to someone else, or doing past paper questions.

5Connect with others. We can't study for months on end without breaks. Take a day here and there out of studying to refresh with friends and family.

Great futures begin with great HSC results

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