Talent 100 Mentor
Yun Yun Cheah
Teaching Experience
3 Years
Learning Centre
Chatswood, Epping
School Attended
Penrith High
Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education: Mathematics) and Bachelor of Science at the University of Sydney
  • The University of Sydney Academic Merit Prize (2021)
  • The University of Sydney Dalyell Global Mobility Scholarship (for Dalyell Scholars)

My top 5 study tips

1Get enough rest each night (yes, that means at least 8 hours) and keep a constant sleep schedule. This will help with concentration, retention, and overall mental health.

2Mind your workspace. Try to have a clean and organised space to study with minimal noise or distractions.

3Keep up with homework and note-taking in class! If you miss a lesson, ask the teacher, classmates, or friends to update you and try to stay on top of things each week.

4Get organised and create a study schedule. Attempt to do at least something productive each day (it doesn't have to be big, you could set 2 "chiller" days where you only do readings or summarise notes) but developing this habit will make it easier for you to focus, study at set times, and prepare for upcoming tests or assignments.

5Set some time apart and reward yourself a little when you achieve your study goals (e.g., a movie night every Friday) to keep you motivated and lessen stress.

Great futures begin with great HSC results

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